The Fall/Winter grant cycle of 2024 is a wrap and we are excited to share with you the impact that MMCF grants have had in our community. Because of the generous giving of you, our donors, MMCF wrapped up 2024 providing opportunities and funding programs that benefit the youth in Mammoth Lakes and our surrounding communities along the Easter Sierra Corridor.
Providing educational and athletic opportunities makes a difference in the lives of so many and we at MMCF would like to express gratitude to our donors for generously giving to make many youths' dreams a reality.
The 2024 Fall/Winter Grant Cycle had a record breaking number of grant applicants throughout the Eastern Sierra looking for funding for their impactful educational and athletic programs.
MMCF was able to fund $193,000 directly to nineteen Ski PE Programs throughout the Eastern Sierra. The Ski PE Program funding provides an amazing opportunity for local youth to experience the magic of a day on the slopes in the Eastern Sierra.
MMCF also provided $41,000 to nine local athletic programs. The programs we funded included school based teams and community teams with a wide variety of needs from travel funds to equipment needs to uniforms to basic operating costs.
On the educational front, MMCF provided $49,000 to eleven educational and community programs throughout the Eastern Sierra. Programs included school tutoring, library book expansions, music tours, college tours and art programs. We also funded alternative education programs that focus on getting youth in the outdoors and adult transition programs that help prepare youth for the work world.
All of this is in addition to the $150,000 check that MMCF granted to Mammoth Unified School District to help fund programs that enable our student/athletes to participate in online learning so they won’t miss a beat on obtaining an excellent education while being flexible with their schedules. The traditional school population benefits from this as well!
Thank you donors for your generous support and making it possible to support our community youth.
Don’t forget that the 2025 Spring/Summer Grant Application is currently open and we are accepting application up until midnight on March 24, 2025.