The Grant Report portion of the MMCF Grant program is important because MMCF wants to know how your program benefited from the funding that was provided. Additionally, we want to celebrate and share your project/program success with our community.
We request that Grant Reports are submitted within 60 days of the project/program cycle coming to an end. If your project/program is ongoing, then we need to receive a Grant Report before you apply for your next grant with MMCF.
If you have any questions about the Grant Report, please contact us at grants@mammothfoundation.org
If your organization received a grant from MMCF during the 2024 Fall/Winter application cycle, please use the button below to access your Grant Report. It is important that you fill out the Grant Report associated with your grant awarding cycle.
If you are unsure of which grant cycle you were awarded in, please contact us at
If your organization received a grant from MMCF before October 2024, please use the button below to access your Grant Report.
The Grant Report uses the same application portal (Smarter Select) that your original grant application used. We have also included a PDF Tutorial with some tips on using Smarter Select.
MMCF would like a summary reflecting the goals and outcomes of the original grant request. We would like details regarding how the funds that you received were utilized and a measurable reporting of the impact that they had on the beneficiaries of your program.
You are doing great things, tell us about it so that we can share the good news! While you are running your program, keep track of measurable milestones as they happen. This will help remind you of the progress of your program when filling out your report.
MMCF hopes that they have wisely invested in programs that will give benefit to our community youth however, if the program was not a success, please share in detail why it was not and what your organization has learned and how those lessons will be applied to future programs/efforts in your community.
A grant report is a formal, organized way for you to update your funders on what you have accomplished with the grant money they awarded you.
MMCF has a legal obligation to account for the funds that we grant you. We want to be wise stewards of the funds that are granted to you. Be accurate on reporting of expenses and how awarded funds were utilized.
MMCF, like any organization, has a limited amount of funds to grant. Former reports will definitely be a factor in selecting future grants for an organization.
We are looking for both qualitative and quantitative feedback in your report. MMCF has invested in you and your program/project and we are interested to see the impact it has had.
We request that Grant Reports are submitted within 60 days of the project/program cycle coming to an end. If your project/program is ongoing, then we need to receive a Grant Report before you apply for your next grant with MMCF.